What is Modoc Domicile?

The Modoc Indian Nation welcomes you to what we believe is one of the most attractive domestic domiciles in the United States. Nestled in Ottawa County in the northeast corner of Oklahoma, the Modoc Domicile offers an attractive alternative to state sponsored captive insurance companies and the traditional offshore locations that for years have been associated with captive insurance.  As a federally recognized tribal jurisdiction, we provide a convenient and accessible captive situs with a solid but unintrusive regulatory structure and the ease of conducting business within the United States.

Initially formed in 2018, the Modoc Insurance Department has rapidly become the home to over 700 direct write and reinsurance companies and that number continues to increase. Free of many of the administrative burdens of state-based captives, and the ability to do business with well-established United States banks, the Modoc Domicile offers the confidentiality associated with offshore companies, combined with the convenience of an onshore jurisdiction. While there are competing Native Domiciles, none boast the features associated with a traditional insurance department offered by the Modoc Jurisdiction.

Since 1986 Congress has encouraged small businesses to take control over its insurance needs through legislation that offers valuable incentives for those willing to undertake the responsibilities of self-insuring. Whether you seek to manage risk, control cost, or tailor coverage to what your business needs, captives provide the ability to do all three. In addition, some business models find that insurance coverage is either unavailable in the traditional commercial market, or if available, it is cost prohibitive.  If you have found our website, you are looking for something other than the traditional commercial insurance model.  We believe you have come to the right place.

In addition to a concise and clear insurance code, unavailable in most tribal jurisdictions, the Modoc Domicile offers an ease of doing business by eliminating the delay inherent with trial governance and regulation. The Modoc Domicile offers a streamlined application process coupled with a full-time insurance commissioner that allows it a responsiveness absent from other domestic domiciles.  Prior to the revision of the Modoc Insurance Code most of the regulatory functions remained with the Tribal Authority.   That process tended to move slowly and has been replaced with a regulatory framework that places most of the day-to-day decision making in the hands of the Commissioner.  The Commissioner serves at the pleasure of the Tribal Authority, but while he or she serves most of the insurance decisions are made by the Commissioner.  Practically that means we can respond almost immediately to questions or issues you may have.

Many of the features that make captive insurance desirable flow from congressional mandates. As such, from a taxation standpoint captives require interacting with the United States Internal Revenue Service. Although unable to offer legal advice in the traditional sense, the Modoc Domicile proves a unique benefit whether a business is new to captive insurance or just seeking a new jurisdiction. 

We invite you to explore the possibilities of captive insurance on the Modoc Domicile.

We hope you will see the Domicile not only as a place to create captives, but as a resource that will prove helpful in the development of your insurance I endeavors.

Welcome to the world of captive insurance.

Please contact Nikki Mullin for questions and inquiries regarding the Domicile.